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Appeal: A request from the enrollee for the review of a decision. It is a formal request made by the enrollee, his authorized representative or provider, acting on behalf of the enrollee with the consent of the enrollee, to reconsider a decision in the case that the provider does not agree.

Authorization:  A written document through which a person freely and voluntarily authorizes another person or provider to represent, him/her for medical or treatment purposes or to initiate an action such as a grievance. It may also be used to end a previous authorization.

Benefits: The health care services covered under Plan Vital.

Beneficiary (Enrollee): A person who after being certified as eligible under the Medicaid program has completed the enrollment process with the plan and for whom the plan has issued the Member card that identifies the person as a Plan Vital Beneficiary.

CHIP:  Children Health Insurance Program, a federal program that provides medical services to low-income children age 21 and under, through Insurers qualified to offer coverage under this program.

Commonwealth Population: Individuals, regardless of age, who meet State eligibility standards established by the Puerto Rico Medicaid Program but do not qualify for Medicaid or CHIP.

Complaint: An expression of dissatisfaction about any issue that is not an Adverse Benefit Determination that is resolved at the point of contact.

Coordinated Care:  Is the service provided to Enrollees by doctors who are part of the preferred network of providers in your Primary Medical Group. The PCP is the leading provider of services and is responsible to periodically evaluate your health and coordinate all medical services you need.

Copayment: Money you need to pay at the time of service.

Covered Services: Services and benefits included in Vital.

ELA Puro: An option available to public employees so they can maintain medical coverage when they lose eligibility in the Medicaid Program and the enrollment for other Insurers contracted under Law 95 has ended. This coverage is the same as the coverage of Plan Vital.

Emergency Medical Condition: A medical problem so serious that you must seek care right away to avoid severe harm.

Emergency Services: Treatment of an emergency medical condition to keep it from getting worse.

Enrollment Counselor: An individual or entity that performs choice counseling, or enrollment activities, or both.

Grievance: A formal claim made by the Enrollee in writing, by telephone or by visiting your plan or the Health Advocate Office, regarding an expression of dissatisfaction about any matter that is not an Adverse Benefits Determination.

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act): The law that includes regulations for establishing safe electronic health records that will protect the privacy of a person’s medical information and prevent the misuse of this information.

High Cost High Needs Program:  A specialized program of coordinated care for Enrollees with specific conditions that require additional management due to the cost or elevated needs associated with the condition.

Hospital: A facility that provides medical-surgical services to patients.

Insurer (plan): The company contracted with ASES to provide your medical services under Plan Vital.

Medical Record: Detailed collection of data and information on the treatment and care the Patient receives from a health professional.

Medically Necessary: Services related to (i) the prevention, diagnosis, and Treatment of health impairments; (ii) the ability to achieve age-appropriate growth and development; or (iii) the ability to attain, maintain, or regain functional capacity. Additionally, Medically Necessary services must be:

  • Appropriate and consistent with the diagnosis of the treating provider and not getting could adversely affect your medical condition;
  • Compatible with the standards of acceptable medical practice in the community;
  • Provided in a safe, appropriate, and cost-effective setting given the nature of the diagnosis and the severity of the symptoms;
  • Not provided solely for your convenience or the convenience of the Provider or Hospital; and
  • Not primarily custodial care (for example, foster care).

In order for a service to be Medically Necessary, there must be no other effective and more conservative or substantially less costly Treatment, service, or setting available.

Medicaid: Program that provides health insurance for people with low or no income and limited resources, according to federal regulations.

Primary Care Physician (PCP): A licensed medical doctor (MD) who is a provider and who, within the scope of practice and in accordance with Puerto Rico Certification and licensure requirements, is responsible for providing all required primary care to Enrollees.   The PCP is responsible for determining services required by Enrollees, provides continuity of care, and provides Referrals for Enrollees when Medically Necessary.  A PCP may be a general practitioner, family physician, internal medicine physician, obstetrician/gynecologist, or pediatrician.

Patient: Person receiving Treatment for his mental and physical health.

Prescription: Original written order issued by a duly licensed health professional, ordering the dispensing of a product, or formula.

Preferred Provider Network: Health professionals duly licensed to practice medicine in Puerto Rico contracted by your Insurer for the Enrollee to use as the first option. Enrollees can access these providers without Referral or co-payments if they belong to their Primary Medical Group.

Primary Medical Group: Health professionals grouped to contract with your Insurer to provide health services under a Coordinated Care model.

Prior-Authorization: Permission your Insurer grants in writing to you, at the request of the PCP, Specialist or sub-specialist, to obtain a specialized service.

Referral: Written authorization a PCP gives to an Enrollee to receive services from a Specialist, sub-specialist or facility outside the preferred network of the Primary Medical Group.

Specialist: A health professional licensed to practice medicine and surgery in Puerto Rico that provides specialized medical and complementary services to the primary physicians. This category includes: cardiologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, surgeons, radiologists, psychiatrists, ophthalmologists, nephrologists, urologists, physiatrists, orthopedists, and other physicians not included in the definition of PCP.

Second Opinion: Additional consultation the beneficiary makes to another physician with the same medical specialty to receive or confirm that the initially recommended medical procedure is the Treatment indicated for his condition.

Treatment: To provide, coordinate or manage health care and related services offered by health care providers.

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Hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., 7 days a week.
